Dance Suitable for english audience


Isabelle Schad

Reflection negotiates the reflection of collective realities on the physical basis of group movements, their individual performativity and reflective perception. In an interplay between clear form and individual freedom, the individual dancers transform work into a sensual experience; it unfolds as an associative journey where hybrid images of everyday life all the way to catastrophic events of our current era emerge and transform.

Playing times
Th 30.05 19:00 Fr 31.05 19:00 Sa 01.06 19:00 Su 02.06 19:00
Entrance fee:

17,00 €/13.00 € · reduced 10,00 €

Event notes



Tickets notes

Ticketcategory 1 Rows C, 1-4

Ticketcategory 2 Rows 5-7


A reservation is possible at tickets [at]


According to the organizers accessible.


concept, choreography: Isabelle Schad
co-choreography, performance: Jozefien Beckers, Barbara Berti, Frederike Doffin, Ewa Dziarnowska, Naïma Ferré, Josephine Findeisen, Przemek Kaminski, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Manuel Lindner, Jan Lorys, Josh Marcy, Claudia Tomasi, Nir Vidan, Natalia Wilk
dramaturgical cooperation: Saša Božić
artistic assistance: Claudia Tomasi
composition and sound: Damir Šimunović
lighting design and technique: Emma Juliard
costumes: Charlotte Pistorius
costume assistance: Maja Svartåker
theoretical support: Elena Basteri
production management: Heiko Schramm
production: Isabelle Schad
co-production: HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Pact Zollverein Essen
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
supported by Wiesen55 e.V.


The dancer and choreographer Isabelle Schad studied classical dance in Stuttgart and worked with a number of choreographers until starting her own projects in 1999. Her work focuses on the body and its materiality, the relationship between body, choreography and (re)presentation, community building and political involvement. Her projects work at the interface of dance, performance and visual arts and are presented in international festivals such as Internationale Tanzwoche Wien, Tanz im August, International Arts Festival Beijing, Impulstanzfestival, amongst others.

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HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU1)

Stresemannstraße 29, 10963 Berlin