Tanzscout Berlin
This year, Dance Scout Berlin is offering two “warmups” during the Berlin Performing Arts Festival. The independent initiative Tanzscout, or Dance Scout, has offered formats to support the attendance of a dance production since 2009. Over the course of workshops and in additional settings, it provides audience members contextual information as well as the opportunity to experience up close and personal, using their own bodies, how the production was made. All dance scouts have expertise in dance, choreography, dramaturgy and/or education.
Please note:
Please bring comfortable clothing as well as something to drink. No prior knowledge or dance experience is required – all you need is curiosity. Tickets for the "warmup" and the production can be purchased soon here.
Angebot von Tanzscout Berlin
Warmup for The Show of Small Things
In this warmup for The Show of Small Things, Angela Deutsch and the participants will initially observe orphaned objects they have found themselves. Using creative writing and dance exercises, they will then experiment with them. From a historic standpoint, this should bring the participants somewhat closer to the source of inspiration for this work by the diverse artist Maria Ferrara, with the diseuse.
Meeting place: 4:30 pm in the lobby of Acker Stadt Palast
The maximum number of participants is 15 people.

Warmup for Love & Loneliness in the 21st Century
Angela Deutsch and the participants will begin the warmup for Nir de Volff’s solo with the so-called “use-abuse” methods of the choreographer, his specific breathing and body techniques that are free from self-judgment. Together they analyze (not only male) midlife crises, body vibes and de Volff's aesthetic sublimation in his (first) solo. In reference to other, larger-scale choreographic works, exchanges should take place about one’s own perspectives regarding love and loneliness in the 21st century.
Meeting place: 5:30 pm at DOCK11
The maximum number of participants is 20 people.
Ticket sales for this "warmup" and event coming soon!