Puppet/Object Theater
The excess population of human beings is taken on shocking dimensions – is it time to rethink things? Inspired by Donna Haraway, Unruhig bleiben/Staying with the Trouble invites the audience to experience a collective, speculative fabulation about five generations of a symbiogenetic connection between humanity and monarch butterflies. Five life stories between 2025 and 2425 make up this attempt to redesign the art of living together on a damaged planet.
Playing times
Th 30.05
Fr 31.05
Entrance fee:
13,00 € · reduced 8,00 €
Event notes
Suitable for wheelchairs, sign translation for presentation on 25.05. at 7 pm and a performance with audio description (date to be announced).
Tickets notes
A reservation is possible at karten [at]
Ballhaus Ost
Pappelallee 15, 10437 Berlin