Katia Engel in Zusammenarbeit mit Silja Korn, Angelina Kartsaki, Polett Kasza, Eva Coenen und Sebastian Schlemminger

The artistic team of seeing with ears (working title) has been specially formed for this piece with choreographer Katia Engel, blind performer Silja Korn, dancer Polett Kasza, musician and composer Angelina Kartsaki, sound artist and programmer Sebastian Schlemminger and Eva Coenen from the Animal Sounds Archive of Berlin’s Museum of Natural History.  
Katia Engel’s choreographic focus is the research and interpretation of specific sounds. After her last work, in which she translated, in collaboration with a traditional mask carver from Indonesia, the working process of mask making, beginning with starting to cut the wood, into dance using the specific work sounds and rhythms, the focus of the new work seeing with ears is the research on echo-location of human beings and bats. 

Su 02.06


seeing with ears

Performance, Suitable for english audience

seeing with ears

Performance, Suitable for english audience