#4 Literary Classics – Of Hölderlin and Dostoevsky
Steffen Klewar invites you to attend two very different productions in terms of form whose respective content are both based on literary sources. In Peter Trabner’s solo performance, this exceptional actor present an ecodrama of classical proportions inspired by Hölderlin’s Der des Tod des Empedokles. In Fleck und Frevel, Prinzip Gonzo carries the audience away to the St. Petersburg of Dostoevsky in an immersive theater adventure. There, motifs from Crimes and Punishment are brought to life and pages are also turned that Dostoevsky never wrote.
Steffen Klewar is a theater maker. Alongside his studies as an actor at the Berlin University of the Arts, he founded the theater collective copy & waste in 2007. He served as the artistic director of the group and director of the productions since then. He work has been presented at, amongst other theaters, Schauspiel Leipzig, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, Staatstheater Darmstadt, Ballhaus Ost, Theater Oberhausen, Maxim Gorki Theater, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, steirischer herbst Graz, Radialsystem V. He works regularly as an acting teacher at the Rostock University of Music and Theatre. He received the George-Tabori-Preis in 2018 with copy & waste.
Steffen Klewar
U Klosterstraße, U & S-Bahn Jannowitzbrücke
270 Min.
The Package language is German. The meeting place is on the stairs leading to the entrance of Podewil, across the street from Theaterdiscounter at 5:30 pm.